32 Degrees Team
Our professional team has extensive and highly relevant operational, technical, financial and leadership experience.
This background is the foundation for a thorough investment process and for value added strategic oversight.

Founder and Managing Partner
Larry Evans is one of the Founding Partners of 32 Degrees Capital. He focuses on making investments in early stage oil and gas companies and is primarily responsible for deal sourcing, technical and engineering due diligence and portfolio management. Prior to founding the Firm, Mr. Evans was the founder and Chairman of Glacier Energy Ltd.; the founder, Chief Executive Officer and President of Ice Energy Ltd; the founder, Chief Executive Officer and President of Avalanche Energy Ltd.; and the Chief Executive Officer and President of Colony Energy Ltd. All of the companies
Mr. Evans founded exhibited significant growth and generated superior returns for investors. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Artis Exploration Ltd., Corval Energy Ltd. and Vertex Resource Group Ltd.Mr. Evans holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering from the University of Manitoba and is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta.

Founder and Managing Partner
Mitch Putnam is one of the Founding Partners of 32 Degrees Capital. He focuses on making investments in early stage oil and gas companies and is primarily responsible for deal sourcing, technical and geological due diligence and portfolio management. Prior to founding the Firm, Mr. Putnam was the founder and Director of Glacier Energy Ltd.; the founder, Director and Vice President Exploration of Ice Energy Ltd.; the founder, Vice President Exploration of Avalanche Energy Ltd.; and Vice President Exploration of Colony Energy Ltd. All of the companies Mr. Putnam founded exhibited significant growth and generated superior returns for investors. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Canamax Energy Ltd., Summerland Energy Inc., Karve Energy Inc., Rising Star Resources Ltd. and Sitka Exploration Ltd.
Mr. Putnam holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology from the University of Alberta and is a member of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta.

Managing Partner
Trent Baker joined the Firm in 2007. He is responsible for deal sourcing, financial analysis, investment due diligence, accounting and back office support for investor relations. Prior to joining the Firm he worked in the audit and assurance department for KPMG. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Vertex Resource Group Ltd., CORE Linepipe, Inc., Vertex Downhole Ltd., and Sphere Energy Corp. He is an Observer on the Board of Directors for Rising Star Resources Ltd.
Mr. Baker holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Queen’s University, is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta and is a CFA charter holder.

Accounting & Administration
Kelsey Britt joined the Firm in 2016. She is responsible for accounting and administrative functions at 32 Degrees. Prior to joining the Firm, Kelsey has worked within a number of industries and roles including administration & office support, customer service, and financial statement audit & assurance.
Kelsey holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in Accounting, from the University of Calgary.